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Clearance Inspection & Testing



For mold remediation companies

Does your company conduct Flood & Water Restoration, Mold Remediation, Disaster Restoration, Sewage Backups, or Storm Damage?

QUESTION: What would give your company the most credibility in the eyes of your customers and great "word of mouth" in the community?


ANSWER: Present your customers a certified inspection report from a 3rd party inspection company that states that your cleanup was done to accepted protocols. Interstate Mold Inspection Company can conduct a post clearance inspection and testing to assure that all cleanup and remediation has been completed according to accepted protocols. Then your customers will find you totally trustworthy. 



Your customer called you because they were concerned about a serious water intrusion that may lead to a mold infestation or they believe they may have a microbial infestation. Let's work together to ease your customers concerns.

For home owners

Interstate Mold Inspection can not only send one of our certified inspectors to inspect your property for mold prior to cleanup to determine the severity of any microbial infestation, (a before picture) but we can also conduct a post clearance inspection and testing to certify that the cleanup was done according to accepted remediation protocols. 

Mold grows in a flood in 48 hours



Try us to see our speed, quality, and a 25% discount right now

ertified inspectors
Certified NACHI Inspectors
Mold is common in attics
Call Interstate for an inspection
Roof leaks create mold
download (3).jpg
Mold grows in 48 hours
Mold grows quickly in a wet area
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